We have discussed the importance of belief in human existence in the first article in the series - "The significance of Belief in Human Existence". So far our discussions have led us to understand that belief is truly the foundation of human existence. Secondly, belief involves having firm conviction in three things - Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), Nabuwwat (Prophethood) and Qiyamat (Day of Judgement). Our discussion will now focus on the demands of each of these beliefs. Tawheed - The first Message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) A glance at history reveals that the first phrase of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) after praising Allah, to the people at the time of the announcement of his Prophethood on the mountain of Abu Qubais was "Ya Ebadallah, Qoolu La Ilaha Illallah Tuflehu - O Servant of Allah! Say there is no God except Allah to be successful." In fact with this phrase the Holy Prophet continued in the tradition of all the previous prophets, knowledge of whose lives and times have reached us. Accepting the above holy phrase leads us to the following conclusions:
Stages of Tawheed Traditions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) have clearly outlined grades for faith (emaan) and Muslims. The first stage of faith to accept it by tongue (by reciting the phrase) whereby a person becomes a Muslim and comes out from the darkness of disbelief. He also becomes clean and pure physically and spiritually. In the words of Holy Quran, the persons comes out from being addressed as "Ya Ayyohan Naas - O you people!" to "Ya Ayyohal Lazeena Aamanu - O you who believe!" The second stage of faith is certainty (yakeen) i.e. the certainty that Allah is my Creator. Allah's commands are for my welfare and success. He loves me beyond my imagination. He not just observes me but also paves the way for my success. He is my Sustainer. The third stage is to act with certainty. The aim of our life is only and only to worship Allah. We have to steer clear of the pitfall of associating with Him anything in action or in intention. The aspect which weakens our actions is associating anything or any being with Him in His worship. Incident #1 There was a worshipper in Bani Israel who used to fast during the days and spend his nights in worship. A tree near his place was worshipped by the people. One day he grabbed his axe and stepped out of his house with the sincere intention to get rid of the tree so that people do not worship a creation of Allah. On his way he met a person who enquired his intention. They had a discussion wherein the worshipper was dissuaded to leave his objective. The man even threatened the worshipper with death if he cut the tree. However, the worshipper had full intention to carry out his goal. He refused to budge. Finally words came to blows wherein the worshipper overpowered the man and sat on his chest and was ready to kill him. At this juncture, the man made an offer to the worshipper. The man said if he left him alive, he would give the worshipper two coins daily, out of which, he could utilize one for his personal use and the other he could spend it in the way of Allah. The worshipper accepted his offer. The worshipper began receiving the coins from the next day onwards and he spent it as suggested by the man. After few days, the coins stopped coming. Angered by this, he grabbed his axe and decided to cut down the tree. On his way he was greeted by the same person who had promised him the coins. The man again persuaded him against cutting down the tree but the worshipper refuse to accept his words. A fight erupted between them. However, this time around the man overpowered the worshipper easily and threatened to kill him if he did not leave his intention of felling the tree. The worshipper promised him that he will not carry out his intention. The worshipper mentioned that on the previous occasion while he was weak he was able to overpower him. However on this occasions while he was strong, yet he was overpowered. The man replied that on the first occasion the worshippers intention to cut down the tree was purely for sake of Allah. Whereas this time, though he had become strong but his intentions were not pure and sincere. His motivation to cut the tree was more for the money which he was not receiving. Therefore, though he had become strong, his faith had weakened. Then the man introduced himself - "I am Shaitaan (Satan) and I have overpowered you." Dear readers, please pay attention to the fact that till the time the belief in Tawheed is not corrupted, a hungry man can easily overpower Shaitaan. It is pertinent to note that its opposite is true as well. A clear example to this is the incident of Karbala wherein the companions of Hazrat Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) were not ready to forsake him despite facing hunger and thirst for three days. More so when the prospect of death loomed large before them. Whereas the army of Yazeed were hell bent to kill the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) for fleeting worldly wealth and fame. Incident #2 In another incident, there was a pious man who repeatedly recited the phrase, "Alhamdolillahe Rabbil Aalameen wal Aaqebato Lissaleheen - All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and the end is for the pious ones." Needless to say Shaitaan was unhappy with this. One day, Shaitan went in a form of a man to the house of the pious man and discussed with him about his belief. Finally, it was decided that if the first person entering the house says that, "the end is for the wealthy" then the man will cut off the left hand of the pious man and if the person entering the house says that "the end is for the pious ones" the pious man will cut off the left hand of the man. The first person who entered the house said. "the end is for the wealthy". As agreed, the man cut off the left hand of the pious man. However, this incident did not shake the certainty of his belief. After a few days, Shaitan once again paid a visit to the pious man to discuss his belief. Again it was decided that if the person entering the house says, "the end is for the wealthy", the man will cut off the other hand of the pious man. A person came to the house and said "the end is for the wealthy". The pious man lost his other hand too. But this did not stop him from reciting the phrase - "All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and the end is for the pious ones." After a few days, the man again visited the pious man and kept the same condition and said if he loses this time, he will kill him. The pious man was ready to depart from this world with the wealth of faith and agreed to the proposal of the man. At this juncture, Allah, the Powerful, who was examining the faith of the pious man sent a person who returned the hands of the pious person. Dear readers, the phrase, "there is no God except Allah" is like an elixir for the one who accepts it by his tongue and has certainty about it in his heart and acts upon it. We have seen in the aforementioned incidents how Shaitan tries his best to deviate the believers through the lure of money and other material benefits. Conclusions
O Lord! It is our earnest prayer that you accept this effort and protect our faith and that of our children in this world. Also Read: |
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