Islam is the final Divine religion revealed by Allah for the guidance of the entire mankind. Its lofty ideals and Divine laws are the epitome of morals and etiquette. These can never be abrogated. However Bab and Baha claimed to have abrogated Islam, and also claimed to have brought religious laws superior to those of Islam. Startled, I began to ponder about the nature of these laws. This has led me to conduct an extensive study of Bahai books to determine the Bahai Law Code. The results were needless to say, astounding. I found the Bahai laws laughable, contradictory, and a bitter farce. The next few pages are thus devoted to explain some of these laws. Readers may go through these with an open mind and then decide for themselves whether the religion represented by these laws actually deserves to be called a religion or is it just a joke! The laws mentioned herewith are taken exclusively from Bahai literature. The references are irrefutable. Marriage of a Bahai with non-Bahais:
Baha in his Aqdas (Arabic) while mentioning the laws relating to marriage reiterates Bab’s stand and did not add any of his views to it. However, surprise of surprises! In the Aqdas published in our times in the English language, this law is omitted. Why this change? The answer lies with Abbas Affandi, the son of Baha, also known as Abdul Baha. He writes in Badaaiul Aasaar volume 1, page 154, “It is permissible for Bahais to give their girls to men of any religion and to marry girls of any religion”. Now this is a clear case of contradiction and confusion. Father says no, son says yes! Please can some explain what is going on here? Also can someone also clarify whether it is permissible for any person to alter the laws of the prophet, when it is explicitly prohibited? In any case, this is an open license for the Bahai men and women to marry spouses of their choice, irrespective of their religious inclinations. The law however has a deeper meaning for the Bahais. It has been seen that Bahais in an effort to propagate their Faith have been conning people into marriage and then spreading the Faith amongst their spouse’s family. Pretty smart! In the Holy Quran, in the chapter on Women (Nisa), a list of women has been specified with whom marriage is prohibited. However, Baha has abrogated this law and he merely says that, “I have prohibited for you the wives of your fathers and I feel shy to mention the edict on boys” Why should a messenger shy away from narrating the Divine laws? In such a case what are the followers to do? Will it then not promote corruption and ignorance amongst the followers? Is there a precedent where any other prophet has shied away as Baha? Besides this, it is interesting to note that except for one’s mother, Baha permits marriage with any other woman. That is to say, it is permitted for the Bahais to marry their sisters, nieces, aunts, etc, even though they may be blood relatives. There also arises another question. Were these laws revealed by God to Baha or did Baha make them up all be himself? If Baha is the lawmaker then he definitely deserves to be condemned for just this law, forget about all the rest. If they are from God’s side then why did shy away from it? Non-Bahai sources state clearly that Baha was a homosexual. A study of the Aqdas in Arabic and English will reveal that nowhere Baha has prohibited sodomy and homosexuality. This leads one to believe that had Baha actually completed the law, he would have made sodomy and homosexuality permissible and actually encouraged it. In any case, at some point, I will present proofs to show that Shoghi Effendi was a homosexual. Bab had prohibited his followers from having more than one wife. However Baha, who was having two wives already changed the law and wrote in Aqdas, “Surely Allah has made marriage obligatory upon you, but don’t marry more than two”. Yet again, on page 206 of the Aqdas published by New Delhi in 1993, it is clearly written that Abdul Baha, “Know that polygamy is not permitted under the law of God”. Also on page 149 of the same book, under the title of “Laws of Personal Status”, the Bahais have said that plurality of religion is forbidden. Now here we see a case of father saying yes, but son says no! Firstly Baha alters Bab’s law and then Abdul Baha alters Baha’s law. What a classic case of unity! Regarding the dower, Baha writes in Aqdas, “No marriage may be contracted without the payment of a dowry which has been fixed for city dwellers at 19 mithqaals of pure gold and for village dwellers at the same quantity in silver. Whosoever wishes to increase the sum, it is prohibited to increase the sum beyond 95 mithqaals”. In today’s world where gold prices far exceed that of silver, it is better for all Bahais to settle down in villages so that they can save money which, they have to pay in gold as dowry. Besides if one views the surging gold and silver prices, then which amongst us can afford the dowry is altogether another question. Then should a person who cannot afford to pay resort to adultery? Maybe this is a fairly reasonable option, because if you are caught in the act for the first time, the punishment is 9 mithqaals of gold to be paid to the Universal House of Justice (UHJ), and double if you caught the second time. And wonders of wonders, if the person is poor, then he is in the security of Allah (no punishment is applicable upon him). Here I would take this opportunity to congratulate the UHJ for keeping a record of ‘such acts’ of its members, and filling its coffers through this noble way! Besides what is the punishment if the person does not reform himself and keeps on getting caught for adultery? The Bahai ablution:
Regarding the washing of legs, Baha says, “Wash your feet once a day in summer and thrice in winter” Can someone please clarify the objective of this nonsensical rule? We have seen how scientists, no less have praised the Islamic ablution in all its glory. There is no specific act, which invalidates an ablution Ablution does not become necessary when a Bahai male discharges semen. Its mention is not found anywhere in the laws. In any case, there is no need for it by the Bahais as they consider semen to be pure! In case water is not available, Baha does not recommend performance of Tayammum (ritual purification by clean earth). One must simply say Allah-o-Abha five times, and voila, one achieves instant purification! The Qibla (direction of prayers) of the Bahais:
Regarding the Qibla after his death, he says, “When the Sun of Truth and Utterance (Baha) shall set, turn you faces towards the spot We have ordained for you (his tomb). The Bahai prayer:
Besides these, there are three types of prayers, the long, the medium and the short one. Congregational prayers are prohibited:
The prayer of the traveller:
Prayer is not incumbent on old and sick people:
Besides this, Baha has absolved his followers from the prayers of the Signs. He says in Aqdas, Surely We have absolved you from the performance of the prayer of the Signs”. The Bahai fast:
During the fast, the Bahais are prohibited from eating and drinking only. All other things including sex are permitted for them. Baha says, “Restrain yourselves from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk”. Travellers, sick people, pregnant women and ladies during their menstrual periods are not required to fast or to perform the lapsed fast at a later date. Baha says in Aqdas, “The traveller, the ailing, those with child or giving suckle are not bound by the Fast. God exempts them as a token of His grace”. “God has exempted women who are in their courses from the obligatory prayers and fasting”. The Bahai Festivals:
The Bahai Hajj:
Bahais have been ordered to perform a pilgrimage of three places. A Bahai preacher, Mirza Haider Ali Isfahani writes in his book, ‘Behjatus Sudoor’, page 258, “The pilgrims circumambulate Baha’s tomb at Acca and kiss it. This is one land of Bahai pilgrimage”. It is written in ‘Al-kawakebadud durriya fee Me’asaril Bahaiyyah’, “Among the houses of which Baha has ordered circumbulation, are the house of Nuqta-e-Ala’ (Bab) in Shiraz and his own house in Baghdad”. Regarding Baghdad, Abdul Baha says in ‘Makatib’, volume 3, page 327 in his letters to the guardians of the house of Baha in 1918, “O my Lord! These are your slaves who are the guardians of your sacred house in the blessed city of Baghdad” The Bahais have also fabricated traditions without any authentic reference from the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) regarding the city of Acca. For example, Ibne Mas’ood narrates from the Holy Prophet (PBUH), “Of all the shores, the shore of Asqalan is the best and Acca is even superior to Asqalan. The superiority of Acca over Acca and all other shores is like my superiority over all prophets. Remember those who desire to visit it and enter it, Allah will forgive his past and future sins. One who stays there for one night, Allah will account him as a patient person and as a person performing prayers till the Day of Judgement”. There is absolutely no Muslim historian who has recorded this tradition and no Muslim books carries such a tradition or any tradition remotely close to it. The Bahai Zakat (poor-due):
But at another place in Aqdas, Baha writes, “It has been enjoined upon you to purify your means of sustenance and other such things through payment of Zakat. Soon we shall explain to you the measurement of its assessment”. But this apparently was never to be. O Baha! Thy shariat is incomplete. The prohibition of the use of the pulpit for speeches and admonitions:
The prohibition of kissing of hands:
Abdul Baha writes in ‘Makatib’, volume 3, page 408, “That radiant man, Abdul Wahab Babi stood up and started dancing happily in front of Baha, kissed his hands and then departed”. Not only this but in ‘Badaaiul Aasaar’, volume 2, page 31, 211, 340, it is mentioned that Abdul Baha’s hands were kissed. If the kissing of hands rule was not applicable to Baha and Abdul Baha then it should have been mentioned explicitly therein. Or should mere mortals remind them to practice what they preach. Abdul Baha went a step further than this father and even had his feet kissed. In ‘Badaaiul Aasaar’, volume 1, page 367 it is mentioned that people on seeing Abdul Baha used to fall at his feet. But still all this better than getting one’s body kissed as Tahirah ordered people in the conference at Badasht. (For reference, please refer the article on Tahirah available on this same site) Bahais have prohibited people from kissing hands, but yet they are ordered to circumambulate the graves of Baha and kiss it. They are even allowed to circumambulate the leaders and prostrate before them. In ‘Badaaiul Aasaar’ volume 1, page 401, we find that, “When Abdul Baha was about to leave from one place to go to another, old and new Bahais came to visit him. They started crying looking at his face. They began to circumambulate him and prostrated before him”. Refurbishing the houses after 19 years:
What logic and sense prevails in this law, only Baha can tell us! Eating of meat:
Abdul Baha says in ‘Badaaiul Aasaar’, volume 1, page 273, thus, “Meat is not the food of man because he has not been provided the means of eating and digesting meat. Here we go again! Father says yes, son says no! The punishment of a thief:
This means that if a thief is caught for the first time, he is to be exiled. Then he goes to another city and steals there, it will be as if he is caught for the first time as people will not be knowing of his past. If at all a thief is caught for the third time and branded, then it is as good as a license given to him to steal. People will respect him just out of fear. Besides if he wants to repent will Baha come and wipe out the mark from the thief’s forehead? Killing and burning of houses:
“If a person kills another unintentionally, then he should pay 100 mithqaals of gold to the family of the deceased as blood money”. A tip for the Bahais: If you want to get rid of someone, kill him – claim to be poor – the UHJ will say that you are in the protection of Allah – no punishment. Yippee! Besides it is okay here to quote a great person named Gandhi who said that, “An eye for an eye will soon make the world full of blind people” Death:
The Bahai shroud:
It is prohibited to take the dead to a distance of over one hour travelling. Baha says in Aqdas, “It is forbidden for you to transport the body of the deceased a greater distance than one hour journey from the city”. How come then Bab’s body was taken from Tabriz in Iran to Haifa in Israel. Did they transport the body by Concorde? Moreover Bab was buried in Tabriz in 1266 AH and was shifted to Haifa in 1313 AH (Makatib , volume 1, page 292) Besides in this age of international laws and borders, what happens of a person expires outside his native country and the host country refuses to bury him? What is the family of the deceased to do in such a case? The Bahai burial prayer:
Bab says in Bayan (Persian), “There should be no leader for the prayer of the dead. The people should congregate but each should recite his own prayer”. The Bahai burial:
These were dear brothers and sisters, some of the Bahai laws, which as stated above are ‘superior’ to those of Islam. These laws if read with an open mind reflect the corrupt mindset of the Bahais and appear to have been framed only with the sole objective to spite and misguide the Muslim community. This becomes very evident when the Bahai laws appear to be Islamic laws, albeit twisted and changed so as to lose their meaning completely. blog comments powered by Disqus |
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