The Position of Bahaullah
Bahaullah seems to have suffered from a disease now called Schizophrenia,
i.e., he had a dual personality. The effect of this disease was so severe
that even Bahaullah was unable to fully comprehend who he really was. This
affliction also affected the quality of his so-called "revelations".
As the book on page 138 candidly states, "Baha has written with reference
to the Central Theme of his revelations that at one time we spoke in the
language of the law-giver (God), and in another in that of the truth seeker
and the mystic (human)". When the central theme of his revelation is so
funny and foolish, one can very well comprehend what the revelation must
be like, full of absurdity and contradictions. And this is exactly what
Anyhow, as in the case of Bab, we have Baha in various dimensions and
facets. Broadly we classify it into 2 major aspects. On one hand we have
the magnanimous Baha who is Divine, and at the same time non-Divine, and
still the occupant of an outstanding station, on the other hand we have
the meek, lamenting, helpless, sorrowful, thrashed, stripped and exiled
and accursed Baha. If such are the attributes of God, then atheists truly
need to be saluted for the non-belief in God.
We shall now deal with each of these aspects in detail
The Divine And/Or Mighty Positions of Baha
Baha himself affirms that the day of revelation was what every prophet
had announced and for which the soul of every prophet had thirsted (page
Bab believed in 'Him whom God shall manifest' before all creations were
created and did his glory before all who are in the heavens and the earth
(page 23). Baha claimed to be the one 'whom God shall manifest'. This implies
that the first two creations were Bab and Baha.
Bab said "in the year nine you will attain the presence of God"
(page 23). Shoghi has claimed that this prophecy was fulfilled by the advent
of Baha. Thus Baha is God, isn't this what you mean Shoghi?
Baha asserts regarding his revelation and that of Bab thus "That
so brief an interval should have separated this most mighty and wondrous
Revelation (Baha) from Mine own previous Manifestation (Bab) is a secret
that no man can unravel and a majority such as no mind can fathom" (page
We have Bab and Baha, both of whom are apparently manifestations of the
same personality. Now if Baha was Bab, then Bab was Baha. The the Babi
Faith is the Bahai faith and vice-versa. Then the execution of Bab was
in effect the martyrdom of Baha and Baha's death was in fact that of Bab's.
The various positions of Baha cannot be gauged by a human mind. They
are innumerable and very confusing.
Baha is the One whom innumerable followers already recognize as the
Judge, the Lawgiver, the Redeemer of all mankind, as the Organizer of all
planets, as the Unifier of the children of men, as the Inaugurator of the
long awaited millenium, as the Originator of a new universal cycle, as
the Establisher of the most great peace', as the Fountain of the most great
justice, as the Proclaimer of the coming of age of the entire human race,
as the Creator of the new world order and as the Founder and as an Inspirer
of a world civilisation (page 60).
To Israel He (Baha) was neither more nor less than the incarnation
of the Everlasting Father (page 60). In other words he was God himself.
Note the words, 'neither more nor less' used here. Actually the word more
serves no purpose, as none knows a position higher than God (as yet). But
the words 'no less' indicate that Baha was not less than God.
To the Christians, He (Baha) was Christ returned in the glory of
the Father (page 60). Again here we find proof of Baha's divinity.
To the Shiah Islam, He (Baha) was the return of Imam Husayn (page 60).
But Shiahs believe in the actual return of Imam Husayn, in the same body
and the same physical features as before his martyrdom. And they expect
to see him as a grown-up person and not as one who has been born.
To the Sunni Islam, He (Baha) was the advent of the Spirit of God i.e.,
Jesus Christ (page 60). Again we believe that Jesus will descend from the
sky at Masjid-e-Aqsa and not that he will be born in a Mirza family in
To the Zoroastrians, He (Baha) was the Promised Behram (page 60)
To the Hindus, He (Baha) was the reincarnation of Krishna (page 60)
To the Buddhists, He (Baha_ was the fifth Buddha (page 60)
Baha was styled the Lord of Lords (Rabbul Rab), the Most Ancient Name (Ism-e-Azm),
the anciant beuty, the preserved treasure, the most great light, the most
great ocean, the supreme heaven, the great announcement, the speaker on
Sinai....(page 60).
We all know that it was God Almighty who spoke to Prophet Musa (Moses)
on the Sinai. Thus Baha is God Almighty himself. Also since Baha is self
sufficient, he is God as only God is sellf Sufficient.
To Him (Baha), Isaiah had alluded as the everlasting Father.. the One who
will come with a strong hand (page 60). But Baha himself was thrashed,
cursed and exiled. This means that the prophecies are not for Baha.
Of Him, David had sung in his Psalms, acclaiming Him as the 'Lord of the
Hosts' and the 'King of Glory.' (page 60).
Ezekiel called Him as the 'Lord who shall be king over all the earth'.
(page 60)
Joel and Zephaniah referred to Him as the 'Day of Jehovah' (page 60)
Daniel and Ezekiel had both acclaimed His Day as 'the day of the Lord'
while Malachi described it as 'the great and dreadful day of the Lord'
(page 60).
"To Him did Zoraster allude by the World Saviour 'Shah Bahram'." (page
"He alone is meant by the prophecy of Gautam Buddha regarding 'a Buddha
named Maitreya, the Buddha of Universal fellowship'." (page 62)
"To Him the Bhagvad Gita of the Hindus had referred to as the 'Most
Great Spirit, the Tenth Avatar and the Immaculate Manifestation of Krishna."
(page 61) Again in all these Bahaullah is referred to as God, the Almighty.
"To Him Christ referred to as the Comforter, the Son of Man who
shall come in the Glory of His Father." (Page 61) thereby implies Divinity.
Saint Paul alluded His day as the times of restitution of all things which
God has spoken by the mouths of all His Prophets since the world began
(page 61)
"To Him Muhammad (PBUH) had alluded in his book (Quran) as the Great
Announcement and declared this Day Allah (Subhanahu) will come down overshadowed
with clouds", the Day wherein "the Lord shall come and the angels rank
in rank. His advent has been mentioned in the 'Heart of Quran' (Surah Yaseen)
as the third Messenger sent down to strengthen the two who had preceded
Him. His Day is glorified as the Day of Judgement (Qiyamat). The Day when
mankind shall stand before the Lord of the World and all shall come to
Him in humble guise... the Day wherein accounts shall be taken." (Page
All the signs mentioned above are regarding Qiyamat and do not allude to
Bahaullah's advent. Also on page 54 Bab claims to be the 'Great Announcement'.
Shaykh Ahmed-e-Ahsai said 'I can appoint no time. His Cause will be known
after Him'. (Page 62) The Bahais interpret statements to suit their own
motives, with absolutely no regard to what the person actual meant. They
have twisted everything very conveniently to suit their objectives. The
Bahai shrewdness and deceit is indeed amazing. Shaykh Ahmed-e-Ahsai has
said that His Cause will be known 'after a while' which in Arabic is called
as 'HIN'. Now Bahais calculated the Hin to be number 68. Thus they say
that the Cause of Bahaullah was in 1268. But where has Shaykh Ahmed-e-Ahsai
mentioned 1268.' It could very well have been 1368 or 1468 or 6851. Moreover
the Cause of Bahaullah was known among the people only on April 22, 1863,
i.e. 1279 A.H., when Bahaullah declared his mission in the Garden of Ridvan.
Hence the prophecy does not refer to Bahaullah.
"Syed Kazim Rashti said 'Verily I say, after the Qaem, the Qaiyyum
will be manifest.'" (page 62) Qayyum being among the titles of God, the
Almghty, the Bahais consider Bahaullah God on the basis of the saying of
this heretic.
Bab had referred him as 'The Preserved One of Allah'." (Page 62) This title
by no means refers to Bahaullah. It refers to the Mahdi. (Noorul Absaar
page 172 by Shiblanji & Al Fusoolul Muhimma chapter 12 by Ibne Sabbagh
Maliki) This fact has been also been testified by Bab in 'Sahifae Adaliyya'.
"Bab had said that He had made a covenant with all created things regarding
Him (Bahaullah)." (Page 62) This would mean as mentioned before that Bab
was God.
"Bab says that His (Bahaullah) Days are the Days of God Himself."
(Page 63)
'The Revelation of Bahaullah signaled the end of the Prophetic Era and
marked the Era of Fulfillment' (Page 64)
So Bab is not the Last Prophet. Then was it Bahaullah ? or was it Abbas
Affandi ? Bahais must refer to Badae-ul-Aasar vol. 2, where Abbas Affandi
is termed as 'the Prophet of the East'.
Bahaullah says, "I am He who fears none though all those who are
in the Heavens and Earth rise against me... This is my hand, which God
has turned white for all to see. This is My Staff, were We to cast it down,
it would, of a truth, swallow up all created things." (Page 107)
It seems that the only reason Bahaullah did not throw his staff was that
it would have swallowed him also. Or is it that Bahaullah was never created
but eternal? Is he God?
'Bahaullah says that he fears none but God and that he speaks at
God's bidding.' (Page 111) But Bahaullah is God. Then why does he fear
his own self? Also it implies that if he is God then he speaks at his own
"When the exiles disembarked at Acca, the people had gathered to
behold the 'God of the Persians'." (Page 118) Again implying that he is
'Bahaullah in Kitab-e-Aqdas bids King William I to hear His Voice,
the voice of God Himself.' (Page 131) Again proclaiming divinity.
Bahaullah says "No by God, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, My Signs
have encompassed the earth and my power enveloped all mankind'." (page
139) Implying that he is God.
Mrs. Hearst says about Abbas Affandi "..for surely He is the son
of God and the spirit of the Father abides in Him" (Page 162) Thus we now
have both the father and son as Gods. So this is a little like the Christian
Trinity where you have the Father (Bahaullah), the Son (Abbas Affandi)
and the Holy Ghost (Bab).
'Bahaullah was exiled to Baghdad and He immortalized it as the
City of God.' (Page 70)
'Mirza Aga Jahan, his servant was designated as Khaadimullah (Servant
of God).' (Page 73)
The Ungodly Side of Bahaullah
Given above were the lofty positions assumed by Bahaullah. We shall
now examine another aspect where this Bahai God is insulted, thrashed,
humiliated abused, reviled, exiled - most unbecoming of even the pagan
Gods, let alone the Bahai God. Indeed one who elevates himself to the position
of Godhood and Prophethood, deserves nothing less, if not more.
We shall also see the lamenting God. The miserable side of the Bahai
God, Bahaullah is exposed below
'Bahaullah was bastinadoed in the namaz khana of the mujtahid of Tabriz
until his feet bled.' (Page 46)
'The mob besieged the Governor's residence, pelted him with stones and
hurled in his face the foulest invectives.' (Page 46)
'From Niyavaran he was conducted "on foot and in chains with bared head
and bare feet exposed to the fierce rays of the midsummer sun".' (Page
'Bahaullah says about Siyah-Chal "..our fellow prisoners numbered nearly
150 souls, thieves assassins and highway pen can depict that place
nor any tongue describe the loathsome smell ... God alone knows what befell
us in the most foul and gloomy place".' (Page 48)
'Abdul Baha says "A heavy chain was placed around His neck by which He
was chained to 5 other Babis. His clothes were torn to pieces and also
his headdress. He was kept there for 4 months".' (Page 48)
'Abdul Baha saw his father when He came out so ill that He could hardly
walk, His head and beard unkempt, His neck galled and swollen from the
pressure of a heavy steel collar, His body bent by the weight of the chains.'
(Page 48)
Bahaullah says about Siyah-Chal "My God! My Master! My Desire! Thou has
created this atom of dust (i.e. Bahaullah) My throat was clasped with chains
and my body subjected to the abasement of the many nights
during which the weights and the fetters allowed Me no rest. Both bread
and butter have been forbidden for this servant....and they summoned this
servant out of Persia at this time when the cold is so intense that one
cannot even speak, and ice and snow so abundant that it is impossible to
move." (page 69)
"God Himself, He (Bab) calls upon as a witness to His sighs and lamentations,
His powerlessness, poverty and destitution, to the injuries He sustained,
and the abasement He suffered. So grievious has been My weeping" He says
that "I have been prevented from making mention of Thee.." So loud
has been the voice of My Lamentation that every mother mourning for her
child would be amazed and would still her weeping and her grief... I have
borne what no man has borne in the past and no one will bear in the future..
Oceans of sadness have surged over Me.... such is My Grief that my soul
nearly departed from My Body... The wrongs which I suffer have blotted
out the wrongs suffered by My First Name (the Bab) from the Tablet of Creation."
(Page 75)
These so-called 'lamentations' are grossly exaggerated, especially when
he claims that none in the past have suffered thus and none in the future
will suffer more. This is so very typical of Bahaullah. Any number
of people before as well as after him have undergone greater trials and
tribulations. Bahaullah was so distressed at having spent a few days in
the Siyah-Chaal. He fought no battle like the early Muslims did at Badr,
Ohad, Khyber, Khandaq, etc. Compared to the struggles of the early Muslims
against the infidels, Bahaullah's life can be described as comfortable.
This was about those before him. Even those after him have endured greater
ordeals. Hapless Jews who survived Hitler's concentration camps have narrated
tales of horror that make Bahaullah's lamentations seem laughable.
Anyway, there are some more noteworthy 'lamentations'
So the Bahai God was sustained by his mother's milk in infancy, much like
me, my friends, my colleagues and the rest of the 99% world population.
The only difference being that we have not claimed Godhood like Bahaullah
for the simple reason that anyone who can not survive without his mother's
milk can never be God, only an imposter. That's exactly what Bahaullah
was. Quran says "Allah is needless". Self-sufficiency is the basic criterion
for Godhood and mother's milk is in grave violation of that criterion.
Besides he claims to have had his memory erased. So we have a Bahai God
suffering from amnesia. More and more as one reads about Bahaullah the
more one gets the impression that this God was nothing but a laughing stock.
Another one of his exaggerations. If his tears matched Noah's (PBUH) deluge
then there should have been another flood.
'He says "Abraham's fire is but an ebullition of My Soul, Jacob's grief
is but a reflection of My Sorrows and Job's afflictions a fraction of My
Calamity".' (Page 75)
'He says "From the beginning of the foundation of this world until the
present day, such malice and hatred have in no way appeared nor will they
be witnessed in the future".' (Page 75)
'He says "From my eyes there rained tears of anguish and in my Bleeding
Heart surged an ocean of agonizing pain. Many a night I had no food for
sustenance and many a day my body found no rest".' (Page 77)
Regardless of how hungry he was, at least he did not succumb to his hunger.
Thousands of people across the world die of hunger every minute. They have
suffered more than him and are therefore more worthy of being worshipped.
And since when did God need nourishment and rest. Quran says about Allah
"Fatigue and sleep overcome him not"
'Abdul Baha says, "During the period Bahaullah lived in poverty. His garments
were those of the poor and the needy. His food was that of the indigent
and the lowly".' (Page 79)
'He says "They expelled us from Constantinople with an abasement that no
abasement on earth can compare. Neither my family nor those who accompanied
Me had any protection against the cold in that freezing weather".' (Page
Bahaullah seemed to have this penchant for describing all his tribulations
as unparalleled in the history of mankind. The only thing unparalleled
about him is the preposterousness of his talks.
He says "The cruelty inflicted by my oppressors have bowed me down and
turned My Hair white. Should thou present thyself before My Throne, thou
would fail to recognise the Ancient Beauty for the freshness of His Countenance
is altered and its brightness has faded by reason of the oppression of
the infidels" (Page 107)
'Bahaullah was banished to the penal colony of Acca.' (Page 113)
God banished!!! Ha!
Another one of his 'never-in-the-past-never-in-the-future' tirades
These were some instances that reveal how Bahaullah was humiliated,
tormented, anguished and made to suffer intensely. All these only go to
show that Bahaullah was a mere mortal, like me, my friends, my colleagues
and the rest of the inhabitants of the world. Then how can such an individual
claim Godhood ? Such afflictions can affect a creature of God never
the Almighty God Himself.