As was also mentioned in the first principle, the Bab and his book, Bayan hold a special importance for Bahai's. This is what Bahaullah says, about the book of Bayan: He also says: Even though Bahaullah abrogated the book of the Bayan, he had stresses many times that he had no intention to do so. Rather, he had stated that he intended to reinforce its decrees: This is while many of the laws that have been put forth by the Bab in the book of Bayan are unacceptable to any sound mind. We have already mentioned a few of these in the previous chapters. We will repeat them here accompanied by a few more samples: a- Destroy Anything and Anyone non-Babi You must destroy everything [non-Babi] that you have written and you must argue using the Bayan.
Chapter six of the sixth unit which is about destroying all books but those that have been written or will be written about this Order (meaning the Bab’s creed).
The fifth chapter of the fifth unit which is about the decree of taking the property of those who do not believe in [the religion] of Bayan and giving it back if they become believers in this religion, except in the lands where taking [property] is not possible.
The sixteenth chapter of the seventh unit which is about [the decree] that all rulers who rise who are [followers] of the religion of the Bayan, leave no-one in their land who is not a follower of this religion. This is compulsory upon all the people too.
He who acquires a position of ruling is a manifestation of God’s wrath and if possible for him, must not leave [alive] on earth anyone but the Babis!
Make everyone accept the [religion of] Bayan and do not accept from them jewels that would amount to the whole earth as payment so that they are excused from becoming Babis.
As we previously noted both Bahaullah and `Abdu’l-Baha had announced what the essence of the Bab’s religion was: The utterance of the [book or religion] of Bayan in the day of the appearance of his Highness A`la (meaning the Bab) was to behead, burn the books, destroy the monuments, and massacre [everyone] but those who believed [in the Bab’s religion] and verified it.
These are the orders of the herald to Bahaullah: behead, burn, destroy, massacre, and exterminate! b- Books, Writings, and Teaching Teaching a book other than the book of Bayan is not allowed unless it has in it what is related to speculative theology (kalam). [Teaching] those [sciences] which have been invented such as logic (mantiq), principles of jurisprudence (usul), and other [sciences], are not permitted for those who have faith.
You have been prohibited in the Bayan from having more than nineteen books. If you do so, you will be fined 19 mithqals (3.6 gms of gold.
Do not argue but by the verses [of the Bayan] for whoever does not argue using them has no knowledge, and do not mention any miracle [but this book]!
The best trade is to acquire all of the Bab’s books. Once this is fulfilled sustenance will flow down like rain: And finally some very disturbing words: These words are very disturbing because he is giving orders to his teacher to do something not in the future, but in the past! He is telling his teacher to not hit him until his age passes five. These words were uttered when the Bab was about 29 years old! He then threatens the teacher that if he surpasses these orders he will make his wife illegal for him for nineteen days (!) or if he doesn’t have a companion (wife) he would have to pay nineteen mithqals of Gold. Are these words in conformity with reason and science? c- Food and Medicine Using medicine is forbidden: Drinking donkey milk is also forbidden and by not drinking it people will become pious: Do not spoil eggs for they are the Bab’s food on the Day of Resurrection: This order is itself very unique for according to the Bahais, the Day of Resurrection, is the proclamation of Bahaullah. The Bab had been dead for many years when this occurred so how could his food be eggs on that day? d- Going on Journeys Unreasonable punishments: Permission is given for going on journeys for one of three reasons: The order has been given to eat the leaves of trees and to walk above the ground with the legs! Pay attention, he says above (fauq) the ground not on the ground! e- Some Miscellaneous Laws I have given permission to every soul to carry one thousand lines [from my books] with them so that they may have great pleasure!
Do not make more than 95 doors for the Point’s (the Bab’s) house!
Do not wear clothes that will frighten children!
At the age of eleven all children must marry. The consequence for ignoring this order is the annihilation of their good deeds: Buying and selling air, fire, water, and earth is prohibited: Do not ride cows and do not put loads on them if you (truly) believe in God and His signs!
In every dispensation, God loves that everything becomes renewed. It is because of this that he has ordered that once in every 202 years every person renew what books he possesses by either putting them in fresh water or bestowing them to someone else!
It is incumbent for every person to leave for his inheritors 19 pieces of soft paper and 19 rings inscribed on them a Name from the Names of God!
If anyone can, they must recite 700 verses from the Bayan every day and night and if they can’t they must repeat ‘Allahu Azhar’ 700 times!
You must accept as guests 19 people in 19 days!
These are only a handful of the Bab’s orders. We have sufficed with these as to not elongate this section. This is how the Bab praises these laws: Bahaullah had also praised these laws by these words: When Bahaullah was praising these irrational statements, had he forgotten what he had uttered about religion being in conformance with science: Irrespective of the Bayan being abrogated or not, most if not all of the aforementioned decrees clearly contradict reason. Thus, according to Bahai principles, Babism is not a religion and consequently Bahaism too is not a religion.
The articles have been based on the book "Avaze Dohol" - the Beating of the Drum by Masoud Basiti, Zahra Moradi.
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